Friday, July 23, 2010

Hatching Axolotls & My Doctor's Visit!

Well, about a week ago, we were given some axolotl eggs. We have been watching them grow inside their little transparent eggs since we got them, hoping that they would hatch! A few days ago, they started to wriggle inside their little eggs, and the day before yesterday, they started hatching! =D It is so exciting! The picture on the left was taken the night before last, and is of our first little hatchling, and an egg that hadn't hatched yet. (I have also posted some short videos of day 1 and day 2 on my website - day 3's video is coming soon!).

Last night, we had two hatchlings. Today, we have at least six little hatchlings, and four of them are eating already! (They start to become hungry within 24-72 hours of hatching from their egg - up until then, they sit still and survive on left over yolk that is in their tummies. When they start wriggling around, it means they are hungry! The four little hungry ones have been feasting on daphnia - and once they have eaten, their little tummies fill up with food and you can see it!!!) The picture on the right is of three of the babies that are eating so far (surrounded by daphnia!) You can see that they are developing patterns! They are very cute, and are learning to swim around!

The remaining eggs that haven't hatched yet are all looking good and wriggling too, so they should hatch any time! There are even some little guys who look almost black still in their eggs - so we have a fair bit of colour variation =D. (I had always wondered whether all brother and sister axolotls came out the same colour - it seems they don't!)  It's hard to believe that in a few short months, these little creatures (who are now around a centimetre in length) will be similar in size to my Artemis!

In other news, I had a doctors appointment today. I got all the forms for the next round of "rule everything out, and make sure nothing new has cropped up" blood tests. I have to fast for twelve hours before I have the tests. I guess that means that on Monday I'll have to get up early and go visit the vampires/blood collectors before breakfast (and then get something nice for breakfast, I hope! lol).

Today, I also asked my doctor about the increasing frequency of my dislocating bones, and she said I am just weird! lol! She said that usually I would be sent to a physiotherapist to learn exercises to help to strengthen my muscles (yeah - all of them in every joint throughout my entire body... would there be enough hours in a day to do all those exercises?! lol!), but because of my ME/CFS, she doesn't think I would have the energy to do any of the exercises, so at the moment, there is no point (I used to have great physios when I was in the circus, before I got sick with ME/CFS, but all the strengthening exercises I tried really did nothing to stop my bones from going out). Anyways, my doctor is going to research and try to find out why I am like I am, lol! When your doctor says you are just weird, and that you tend to have weird illnesses, what hope do you have?! lol! (It was all in fun - she is really a good doctor, and helps me out a lot with my ME/CFS and other medical stuff!)

~Adrielle =)