Monday, January 24, 2011

Well, today was a lazy day =). I was having a kinda bad pain day, and was really tired, so I stayed home and relaxed. (I did do three minutes of aerobics and two minutes of arm strengthening exercises on Wii Fit Plus, though! - That is an achievement for me with ME/CFS, EDS and FM!) I am really pleased that I have been losing some of the weight that I put on while I was on prednisone!

Also today, I tidied up my PC hard drives. I am currently in the process of creating bootable recovery disks for them, in case anything happens to my computer. I remember years ago when my whole hard drive was only 13.5GBs of data... now I have more than 30GB in photos and artwork alone! I think I am going to go through a lot of disks! 

Anyway, since my day has been pretty uneventful, I don't have a lot to write! 

~Adrielle =)