Thursday, November 11, 2010

Belated Halloween Post!

Well, I know it has been a while since Halloween, but I haven't been going so well health-wise, and haven't had a chance to write this post until now! For Halloween this year, me and my family decided to have a Halloween feast (well, I decided it would be fun, and pretty much talked them into it!) We made heaps and heaps of Halloween-themed food, put up decorations, and dressed up in Halloween costumes! It was pretty fun! 
    During the week leading  up to our Halloween feast, we made the food, and the table centrepiece. I tried to spread out the tasks so that I would be able to pace myself, and would still have the energy to enjoy the feast! As it turns out, I was (as usual) a little bit too optimistic about my energy levels... lol! I ended up pretty dead by the end of it all, but it was awesome fun, and SO worth the long recovery! 
      I dressed up as a witch, Ellenya dressed as the devil, and Kecapmanis dressed as a shrew! 
The Table Centrepiece!
I made a table centrepiece, which was a lolly bowl! It was a papier mache pumpkin basket with a handle that I bought. I painted it with glitter and paint, stuck little shiny diamontes, spiders, curly pumpkin vine bits, and spider webs onto it, and then filled it with all kinds of nice treats! 
Pumpkin Carving!
As we needed decorations for our feast, and the very lovely Apollo from Puzzle Pirates was holding a pumpkin carving contest, we decided that we just have to give pumpkin carving a go! None of us had ever carved a pumpkin before, and it turns out that carving pumpkins are rather expensive in Australia (as they are imported from the US, sold by the kilogram, and weigh like a tonne!) My first ever experience of pumpkin carving was pretty fun, but getting all the seeds and hairy gutty stuff out of the middle was seriously disgusting! lol - I went for a fairly simple design - a jack o lantern with an eye patch! 
    We made them a few days before Halloween, and took them outside into our new outdoor area to light them and see what they would look like in the dark! I used a citronella candle in mine, so it also worked as a bug deterrent!  
The Food! 
The most important part of the Halloween feast was, of course, the food! We researched spooky food ideas and came up with an awesome menu! 

Ellenya's Ectoplasm Ice Cubes (which were shaped like ghosts, and had blue food dye in them! Yes - they make ghost shaped ice cube trays... we got it from Aldi!) 
Gingerbread Biscuits! (Baked by Ellenya, iced by me and Elle) I was kinda proud because I made real icing (not just icing sugar and water, but beaten and with butter and vanilla etc.) all by myself! Now that I have my kitchen chair with arms on wheels, I can do things in the kitchen without getting too fatigued! It is awesome!
Cupcakes! I decorated the spider ones! hehe =D 
We also had severed fingers (which are made from meringue with a jelly bean finger nail and jam blood), gravestone brownies (with handmade icing pumpkins and gravestones made by me!), Adrielle's candied heart truffles, and Kecap's lovely green mouldy pasta alfredo! =D 
So all in all,  we had an awesome night! Hehe =) I can't wait until next year!!! 

~Adrielle =)