Saturday, October 23, 2010

Icing, Severum Babies, and Surviving Home Alone!

Well, today my whole family went out to an orchid club thing. I was meant to go too, but a whole day of being out and about is wayyyyyyyyy beyond me health-wise at the moment. I stayed home alone and did other fun stuff, though =). 

I am proud because I tidied my room, and had a shower one after the other without passing out or getting too sick, and only almost clicked out one knuckle (tends to happen when I shampoo my hair!) It was hard, but I am glad that I did it! hehe. I was limping pretty bad by the end, though, lol! Legs didn't want to walk or support my body :P. I had some chocolate tarts and rested for a while before strapping up my very dodgy joints and heating up some pasta for lunch. The pasta dish was heavy and hard for me to get in and out of the fridge, but I did it! =D I had drinks stockpiled, so I wouldn't have to pour them (coz my arms and hands hate doing that; it's difficult, painful and I end up making a mess!), so then all I had to do was go sit outside in the sun and enjoy my pasta (and some extra chocolate tarts for desert, lol!) I only nearly fell over in the kitchen once =D.

After lunch, I fed the baby severums. Chomp (their dad) bit me :S. He has pretty sharp teeth - he easily got through my skin! He doesn't understand that I am giving his babies dinner; he is worried because I am going near them, and might hurt them. I feel bad for upsetting him, but there is no other food source small enough for them to eat in that tank, and I can't let the babies starve! The babies were very happy with their lunch - chasing it and gobbling! So cute! When they eat, you can see their little transparent tummies turn orange from the brine shrimp!

 <-- The two Chomp bites on my wrist!

Anyways, after that I had a rest for a while, then made some icingy decorations for our Halloween brownies! I had seriously underestimated how much energy it would take to make them! I was planning on making a few more things, but before very long I ended up at the point where I was shaking uncontrollably, having heart problems and nearly fainting. I figured I should really lie down before I fell down - especially since no one else was home to come and save me! 

I really like how my little icing decorations turned out, though =D. I made tiny pumpkins and little gravestones! They are drying on a tray in the kitchen. Kneading, dying and rolling the icing took A LOT of energy! I had to keep stopping and having breaks and taking deep breaths, lol! (And I confess, I ate some of the extra icing off-cuts... mmm =D - It was almond icing, which is pretty much the same as marzipan - smells delicious! Tastes even better! It reminds me of Christmas too, because it's what I use on the Christmas cake =D).

So since stumbling into bed and taking my afternoon dose of morphine, I haven't yet been able to get up again, lol! I am here with all my pillows (and I have many!) supporting my body so I can lie and type on my laptop =D. I have drinks, but no snacks... and I feel a little hungry after writing all that stuff about icing and chocolate tarts and pasta... My family should be home soon - and it's almost dinner time, so I shouldn't starve to death! hehe

~Adrielle =)