Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Busiest Day I've Had In Ages!

Well, today was the most full on day that I have had in ages. I got up, got dressed and painted my nails, and then went on a 45 minute car trip to an orchid show. I went to take some photos to hopefully enter into an upcoming orchid photography competition. When I planned to go to the show, I thought that it would be a morning out; difficult, but doable in my current state of health. Unfortunately, by the time we looked at the show, had lunch, then went to visit relatives, it turned out that we didn't get home until after 5pm.

It was very hard. I needed help to walk up the five steps at my house because I couldn't do it alone. My muscles were refusing to hold me up, I had horrible nausea and a headache, my mind wouldn't think and I was in so much pain I didn't know how I was going to get inside! After a few hours of sleep, I did feel slightly better (although I kept waking up with a start because all my joints were so unstable and kept trying to dislocate on me!)

I eventually got up and logged on to my laptop to try to look at the photos I had taken, but I couldn't really focus enough to check whether they are actually in focus! I will have to look again tomorrow. Hopefully I got at least a few nice ones! I was leaning the camera on the arm of my wheelchair to try to combat my shaky handedness, so fingers crossed they won't be too blurry.

Anyways, I made the mistake of reading my emails. There was one from someone on a forum that I mentioned my magazine idea on, saying that I shouldn't have done so without permission from the site owner (the rules of the site say that you need permission for commercial advertisements - but the magazine idea is not a commercial advertisement, its a not-for-profit project between anyone who wants to get involved, so I didn't know it wasn't allowed). In my sick and depressed state, it was a real kick in the guts. I guess it feels like those who try to do positive stuff and get some community involvement going are not allowed to.

I know I am taking a big risk trying to get this project up and running, and most of the feedback I have been getting has been really positive and encouraging. I'm just not brilliant at coping with criticism in my current mood, especially when I don't really understand why I am in trouble. I guess it will make sense in the morning when I'm not quite as tired! lol

Hopefully, things will be clearer in the morning!

~Adrielle =)