So, I've been doing a lot of experiments with epoxy resin over the last few weeks! It's a lot easier to use than I'd thought it would be - and working with resin makes far less mess than I'd thought it would, too!
The resin I've been using is Pebeo Gedeo Color (in Lapis/blue, Topaz/Yellow and Ruby/red), and Pebeo Gedeo Crystal Resin (which is clear). Each box comes with a bottle of part A, and a bottle of part B. You mix it up using the measuring cup and stirrer sticks provided (following the easy instructions), then pour/drip/drizzle it into molds, jewelry findings - or anything else you'd like to resinify!
You can mix the Gedeo Color resins and Gedeo Crystal resin together, and you can also add colourants, glitter, and other objects to the mix for more effects =). I've been having heaps of fun experimenting with it over the last few weeks, and look forward to trying out some more ideas (as soon as I feel well enough again)!
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